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Petrivka: M. Petrivka
   Books and other things

Petrivka Market is also known as the ‘Book Market’. Old books all around, new books can be found mostly in the shops near to the metro station. And yes, it is possible to find a good read in English… and sometimes other languages. So if you’re into some Gogol or other xoxol (do not use that word randomly), are looking for some obscure ‘80s record, or 2000s plastic pop cd (yes, music is here as well)  or just want to stroll around, this is the hive!

Nivki: M. Nivki

Only open on Saturday, and it’s not exactly huge. But hey, here is where you can find your Soviet memorabilia. The market is just outside the metro. And I have the impression that you’ll beo ne of the first foreigners to come here. So may be a chance to chat about those good old days.

Besarabski: M. Lva Tolstovo/Khreshatik

Expect sky high prices for your nuts (wallnuts, peanuts, cashew nuts…) and spices, check the price of a tomato in Bila supermarket just outside, and in here (if you are a foreigner) Because hey, this is tourist trap heaven. But still, Besarabski has some things that are hard to find elsewhere in Kyiv, and it is an interesting building, so sure worth a visit.

Lisova: M. Lisova
  Clothes, Food, Junk…

One of my favourite spots in town. It’s on the eastern border of Kyiv, but just outside the metro station. Looking for cheap stuff? Here it is: second hand clothes by the masses, pickled cucumbers, onions, a garden section… and sure, you can find shaurma and home made pelmeni here as well. Want a souvenir? Go out to the south of the metro, and walk straight, just accross the street.

Obolon: M. Heroiv Dnipra
   Things, you know

A large part of the market is for bathroom, kitchen and other household things.But the place sells about everything that one can expect on a market.

Volodimirsky: M. Palats Ukraina
   Stuff, you know.

It’s a market, with market things. Oh, and they have a Belgian beer shop with some good brews.

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